While Washington is shifting in one direction, California continues its tectonic shift in another. Recent amendments to California’s Fair Pay Act continue that momentum. Effective January 2017, these amendments include the Act’s…

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We enter 2017 with a new President, a polarized electorate, an incomplete Supreme Court, and an increasingly isolated California. Against this dramatic backdrop, Glen Kraemer will examine the most important…

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Review of key legislation taking effect in 2016 that will impact Contra Costa County business owners, consultants and human resources professionals. Download: Contra Costa County Employer Advisory Council Midyear Legislative…

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The program will explore the definition and identification of bullying, legal developments and concerns related to bullying, the nexus with workplace violence, and the leadership principles and “best practice” managerial…

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Presented at the 3rd Annual Community Association Owners Conference Employment Law Update for 2015 presented at the 3rd Annual Community Association Owners Conference, covering a range of topics, including: Equal…

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Most employee handbooks are nearly identical to each other, regardless of the industry, workforce size or the jurisdictions in which business is conducted. Very little thought is given to the…

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Steve Hirschfeld and Amy Durgan will be presenting the latest information employers need to know about managing risk from hiring to firing, including: Hiring process including criminal background checks, candidate…

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